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Welcome to Healing Tides Acupuncture

a holistic wellness solution.

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Your first appointment will include a detailed look into your health history where time will be allowed for you to feel heard and have any of your questions answered. A customized treatment plan will then be created specifically for you! You will also receive a full acupuncture treatment.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbs are a great supplement to acupuncture. They are mostly derived from natural materials including foods, plants, and minerals. Patents (pills) or tinctures (liquid) are generally prescribed for an easy, therapeutic delivery.

Non-Needle Techniques

Megan has additional training in Shakuju, Shonishin and magnet therapy. These non-needle techniques create a more comfortable experience for young children and needle-sensitive patients. Treatments may also use the adjunctive therapies of moxibustion and cupping.

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Patient Testimonials

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Megan's knowledgable and professional care was key in my healing process. I felt safe and relaxed in her skilled hands. With her help I was able to continue working while recovering from multiple repetitive stress injuries of my back, arm, and elbow. I highly recommend her.


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(207) 461-5087

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